
Author Guidelines
  Technical Program
  Important Dates
  Travel Information

Author Guidelines

The accepted short papers will be included in the conference record, and will be presented at the Conference.

Presentation time for each paper is 15 minutes, including questions and answers.

Presentation time for invited talks is 30 minutes.

All contributors of presented papers are invited to submit full papers for possible publication in a technical journal. Depending on their characteristics and addressed topics, the full papers will be assigned to Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Physica B, Medical Engineering & Physics, and IEEE Magnetic Letters for a dedicated peer-review process. The review standards will mirror those used for regular articles to be published in these journals.
Authors are encouraged to suggest the journal preferred for paper submission. The final decision about that will be taken by the Program Committee.
Papers must be presented at the conference by a fully registered co-author in order to be considered for journal publication.
Student registration is not valid for journal publication.
Each full registration covers the journal submission of only one paper.
An extra charge of € 50 is applied  for each additional paper submitted.

The paper number must be indicated in the registration form.

Full Paper Instructions

A Word template can be found at: http://aim2016.tr.unipg.it/AIM2016_Fullpaper_Instruction.doc

To submit a full paper: http://sites.ieee.org/italy/2016-ieee-aim-full-paper-submission

The full paper must be send in .doc and .pdf format to the e-mail address aim2016@ieeesezioneitalia.it indicating in the object “AIM 2016 full paper submission – corresponding author name”.

The files must be named AIM2016_Fullpaper_author name.

Successively, detailed information for the electronic submission of the paper to the selected journal will be given to the corresponding author.

           AIM 2016 - Bormio, Italy.